REST PathMapper Plugin

This community module provides a new RESTUploadPathMapper implementation supporting ECQL expression for remapping the input file. A new Panel inside the Global and WorkSpace Settings will be added:


For more informations about remapping files with REST the user can look at the following REST configuration page.

ECQL expression configuration

The user can simply remap the input file by simply writing an ECQL expression. This expression must follow some rules:

  • The expression can only use the following parameters:

    1. path: which contains the relative path of the input file, useful when the file is inside a zip structure.
    2. name: which contains the file name.
  • The expression must return a new file path, not a directory:



  1. Regular Expression:

    Input File name: NCOM_wattemp_020_20081031T0000000_12.tiff

    ECQL Regular Expression:

    stringTemplate(path, '(\\w{4})_(\\w{7})_(\\d{3})_(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})T(\\d{7})_(\\d{2})\\.(\\w{4})', '/${1}/${4}/${5}/${6}/${0}')

    Result: NCOM/2008/10/31/NCOM_wattemp_020_20081031T0000000_12.tiff

  2. Substring:

    Input File name: NCOM_wattemp_020_20081031T0000000_12.tiff

    ECQL Regular Expression:

    Concatenate(strSubstring(path, 0, 4),'/',name)

    Result: NCOM/NCOM_wattemp_020_20081031T0000000_12.tiff