
A namespace is a uniquely identifiable grouping of feature types. It is identified by a prefix and a URI.


Controls all namespaces.

Method Action Status code Formats Default Format
GET List all namespaces 200 HTML, XML, JSON HTML
POST Create a new namespace 201 with Location header XML, JSON  
PUT   405    
DELETE   405    


Controls a particular namespace.

Method Action Status code Formats Default Format Parameters
GET Return namespace ns 200 HTML, XML, JSON HTML quietOnNotFound
POST   405      
PUT 200 Modify namespace ns XML, JSON    
DELETE 200 Delete namespace ns XML, JSON    


Exception Status code
GET for a namespace that does not exist 404
PUT that changes prefix of namespace 403
DELETE against a namespace whose corresponding workspace is non-empty 403



The quietOnNotFound parameter avoids to log an Exception when the Namespace is not present. Note that 404 status code will be returned anyway.


Controls the default namespace.

Method Action Status code Formats Default Format
GET Return default namespace 200 HTML, XML, JSON HTML
POST   405    
PUT 200 Set default namespace XML, JSON  
DELETE   405