Upgrading to OpenGeo Suite Enterprise

This section describes how to upgrade OpenGeo Suite to OpenGeo Suite Enterprise on Red Hat-based systems.


OpenGeo Suite Enterprise can only be obtained through Boundless. Please contact us for information on how to purchase OpenGeo Suite Enterprise.

On a system that already has OpenGeo Suite:

  1. Change to the root user:

    sudo su -
  2. Download the Boundless and Fedora GPG keys:

    wget https://yum.boundlessgeo.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-OpenGeo_Suite
    wget https://getfedora.org/static/0608B895.txt


    This step and the next two (all regarding the keys/certificates) may be skipped if your system already has this in place.

  3. Verify the fingerprint of each certificate:

    gpg --quiet --with-fingerprint ./RPM-GPG-KEY-OpenGeo_Suite
    pub  2048R/E2DD3C77 2015-06-05 OpenGeo Suite <contact@boundlessgeo.com>
          Key fingerprint = DEF2 E3C7 75C7 5037 97F5  9111 6E26 79DC E2DD 3C77
    sub  2048R/D8FEF4BF 2015-06-05
    gpg --quiet --with-fingerprint ./0608B895.txt
    pub  4096R/0608B895 2010-04-23 EPEL (6) <epel@fedoraproject.org>
          Key fingerprint = 8C3B E96A F230 9184 DA5C  0DAE 3B49 DF2A 0608 B895
  4. Import the Boundless and Fedora GPG keys:

    rpm --import ./RPM-GPG-KEY-OpenGeo_Suite
    rpm --import ./0608B895.txt
  5. Add the OpenGeo Suite Enterprise repository by replacing the file /etc/yum.repos.d/OpenGeo.repo with the following contents:


    Make sure to replace each instance of <username> and <password> with the user name and password supplied to you after your purchase. Also, replace <OS> with either centos or rhel based on your distribution.


    If you have OpenGeo Suite Enterprise and do not have a user name and password, please contact us.

  6. Update the repository list:

    yum update
  7. Clean the metadata for existing packages:

    yum clean metadata
  8. Now you can reinstall the existing packages, which will now include the OpenGeo Suite Enterprise components. Currently all of the Enterprise-specific components are contained in the geoserver package:

    yum reinstall geoserver
  9. You can now install additional packages as well, such as new extensions. For example, to install the MongoDB extension:

    yum install geoserver-mongodb


    See the Packages section for details about individual packages.

  10. Restart the Suite

    service tomcat restart

After upgrade

The upgrade is now complete. Please see the section on After installation: Working with OpenGeo Suite for Red Hat Linux to continue.