OpenGeo Suite for Ubuntu LinuxΒΆ

This document describes how to manage installaton of OpenGeo Suite for Ubuntu Linux.


While QGIS is often paired with the rest of OpenGeo Suite, please do not try to run QGIS on the same machine as OpenGeo Suite, as package conflicts will occur (specifically with GDAL). If you install OpenGeo Suite on a machine that has QGIS, QGIS may be automatically uninstalled!

Instead, use QGIS on a different machine and connect to OpenGeo Suite services from there.

Please select the option that best matches your system:

For new installations.
Updating a minor version
For minor version updates. To update from OpenGeo Suite 4.x, start here.
Updating a major version
For major version updates. To update from OpenGeo Suite 3.x, start here.
Upgrading to OpenGeo Suite Enterprise
For upgrading to OpenGeo Suite Enterprise.
After installation: Working with OpenGeo Suite for Ubuntu Linux
Useful information about the installation.
Ubuntu Linux packages
List of packages and their functions.
For removing OpenGeo Suite packages.