Updating a minor version

This section describes how to perform a minor update from OpenGeo Suite 4.x to 4.8 on Ubuntu Linux.



While QGIS often paired with the rest of OpenGeo Suite, please do not try to run QGIS on the same machine as OpenGeo Suite, as package conflicts will occur (specifically with GDAL). If you install OpenGeo Suite on a machine that has QGIS, QGIS may be automatically uninstalled!

Instead, use QGIS on a different machine and connect to OpenGeo Suite services from there.

System requirements

The following Ubuntu versions are supported:

OpenGeo Suite for Ubuntu Linux has the following system requirements:

  • Memory: 512MB minimum (1GB recommended)
  • Disk space: 750MB minimum (plus extra space for any loaded data)
  • Browser: Any modern web browser is supported
  • Permissions: Super user privileges are required for installation

Pre-update process

This update will add the OpenGeo Suite package repository and then update the appropriate packages. See the Packages section for details about the possible packages to install.


Mixing repositories with is not recommended. If you already have a community (non-Boundless) repository that contains some of the components of OpenGeo Suite (such as PostgreSQL) please remove them before installing OpenGeo Suite.

The commands in this section require root privileges.

  1. Change to the root user:

    sudo su -
  2. Import the Boundless GPG key:

    wget -qO- https://apt.boundlessgeo.com/gpg.key | apt-key add -
  3. Add the OpenGeo Suite repository:

    • If updating OpenGeo Suite on Ubuntu 12:

      echo "deb https://apt.boundlessgeo.com/suite/latest/ubuntu/ precise main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opengeo.list
    • If updating OpenGeo Suite on Ubuntu 14:

      echo "deb https://apt.boundlessgeo.com/suite/latest/ubuntu/ trusty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opengeo.list
    • If updating OpenGeo Suite Enterprise on Ubuntu 12:

      echo "deb https://<username>:<password>@apt-ee.boundlessgeo.com/suite/latest/ubuntu/ precise main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opengeo.list

      Making sure to replace <username> and <password> with the user name and password supplied to you after your purchase.

    • If updating OpenGeo Suite Enterprise on Ubuntu 14:

      echo "deb https://<username>:<password>@apt-ee.boundlessgeo.com/suite/latest/ubuntu/ trusty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opengeo.list

      Making sure to replace <username> and <password> with the user name and password supplied to you after your purchase.


    If you have OpenGeo Suite Enterprise and do not have a user name and password, please contact us.

Update process

  1. Update the repository list:

    apt-get update
  2. Search for OpenGeo Suite packages to verify that the repository list is correct. If the command does not return any results, examine the output of the apt command for any errors or warnings.

    apt-cache search opengeo
  3. Run the following command to update to Tomcat 7:

    apt-get upgrade opengeo-tomcat6- opengeo-tomcat7
  4. Remove the existing libgdal package if it exists, as it can cause conflicts on update:

    apt-get remove libgdal
  5. You have options on what packages to update:


    See the Packages section for details of individual packages.

    • To update typical server components:

      apt-get upgrade opengeo-server geoserver-* postgis-* postgresql-*-postgis-* --only-upgrade
    • To update typical client components:

      apt-get upgrade opengeo-client
    • To update typical client and server components:

      apt-get upgrade opengeo geoserver-* postgis-* postgresql-*-postgis-* --only-upgrade
  6. Update any other additional packages that you installed originally. For example, to update the Boundless SDK:

    apt-get upgrade opengeo-webapp-sdk

After update

If you have changed the GeoServer data directory by setting GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR in /etc/defaults/tomcat7 the update process will reset it back to the default location. (This change is often done as part of setting up a cluster.) Be sure to remember and re-make your change after the update.

The update is now complete. Please see the section on After installation: Working with OpenGeo Suite for Ubuntu Linux to continue.