
class gxp.plugins.AddLayers(config)

Plugin for removing a selected layer from the map. TODO Make this plural - selected layers

Config Options

Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.


Array Custom actions for tools that do not provide their own. Array elements are expected to be valid Ext config objects or strings referencing a valid Ext component. Actions provided here may have additional menuText and buttonText properties. The former will be used as text when the action is used in a menu. The latter will be conditionally used on buttons, only if showButtonText is set to true. The native text property will unconditionally be used for buttons. Optional, only needed to create custom actions.


Object or String or Array Where to place the tool’s actions (e.g. buttons or menus)?

In case of a string, this can be any string that references an Ext.Container property on the portal, or a unique id configured on a component.

In case of an object, the object has a “target” and an “index” property, so that the tool can be inserted at a specified index in the target.

actionTarget can also be an array of strings or objects, if the action is to be put in more than one place (e.g. a button and a context menu item).

To reference one of the toolbars of an Ext.Panel, ”.tbar”, ”.bbar” or ”.fbar” has to be appended. The default is “map.tbar”. The viewer’s main MapPanel can always be accessed with “map” as actionTarget. Set to null if no actions should be created.

Some tools provide a context menu. To reference this context menu as actionTarget for other tools, configure an id in the tool’s outputConfig, and use the id with ”.contextMenu” appended. In the snippet below, a layer tree is created, with a “Remove layer” action as button on the tree’s top toolbar, and as menu item in its context menu:

    xtype: "gxp_layertree",
    outputConfig: {
        id: "tree",
        tbar: []
}, {
    xtype: "gxp_removelayer",
    actionTarget: ["tree.tbar", "tree.contextMenu"]

If a tool has both actions and output, and you want to force it to immediately output to a container, set actionTarget to null. If you want to hide the actions, set actionTarget to false. In this case, you should configure a defaultAction to make sure that an action is active.


String Text for add feed menu item (i18n).


String Text for the Add action. None by default.


String Text for add action tooltip (i18n).


String Text for add layers button (i18n).


String Text for an error message when WMS GetCapabilities retrieval fails (i18n).


String Text for add server button (i18n).


Boolean Set to false if the tool should be initialized without activating it. Default is true.


String Text for the available layers (i18n).


String When lazy layerRecords are created by the ‘Find Layers’ function, they can optionally be associated with another source. E.g. the ‘local’ source in GeoNode client.


Object If this tool is associated with an OpenLayers.Control then this is an optional object to pass to the constructor of the associated OpenLayers.Control.


Function Returns an Ext.grid.RowExpander. Can be overridden by applications/subclasses to provide a custom expander.


Number Optional index of an action that should be active by default. Only works for actions that are a GeoExt.Action instance.


String Text for Done button (i18n).


String Text for the grid expander (i18n).


Object | Boolean If provided, a gxp.FeedSourceDialog will be added as a menu option. This panel will be constructed using the provided config. By default, no feed functionality is provided.


String Text for find menu item (i18n).


String Text for additional instructions at the bottom of the grid (i18n). None by default.


String Text for the layer selection (i18n).


Array If upload is enabled, the upload button will not be displayed for sources whose identifiers or URLs are in the provided array. By default, the upload button will make an effort to be shown for all sources with a url property.


Number The actions array index of the action that should trigger this tool’s output. Only valid if actions is configured. Leave this unconfigured if none of the actions should trigger this tool’s output.


Object Optional configuration for the output container. This may be useful to override the xtype (e.g. “window” instead of “gx_popup”), or to provide layout configurations when rendering to an outputTarget.


String Where to add the tool’s output container? This can be any string that references an Ext.Container property on the portal, or “map” to access the viewer’s main map. If not provided, a window will be created. To reference one of the toolbars of an Ext.Panel, ”.tbar”, ”.bbar” or ”.fbar” has to be appended.


String Text for the layer title (i18n).


String|Object Either the id of a plugin that provides the action to be performed after an upload, or an object with plugin and outputConfig properties. The addOutput method of the plugin referenced by the provided id (or the plugin property) will be called, with the provided outputConfig as argument. A usage example would be to open the Styles tab of the LayerProperties dialog for a WMS layer:

postUploadAction: {
    plugin: "layerproperties",
    outputConfig: {activeTab: 2}

Boolean If upload is enabled, only show the button for sources with relative URLs (e.g. “/geoserver”). Default is true.


Object | Boolean If provided, a gxp.CatalogueSearchPanel will be added as a menu option. This panel will be constructed using the provided config. By default, no search functionality is provided.


String Text for the search dialog title (i18n).


Show the buttonText an action is configured with, if used as a button. Default is false.


Integer The identifier of the source that we should start with.


String If this tool should be radio-button style toggled with other tools, this string is to identify the toggle group.


String Text for an untitled layer (i18n).


Object | Boolean If provided, a gxp.LayerUploadPanel will be made accessible from a button on the Available Layers dialog. This panel will be constructed using the provided config. By default, no upload button will be added to the Available Layers dialog.


Array Roles authorized to upload layers. Default is [“ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR”]


String id of a WMS source (:class:`gxp.plugins.WMSSource’) backed by a GeoServer instance that all uploads will be sent to. If provided, an Upload menu item will be shown in the “Add Layers” button menu.


String Text for upload button (only renders if upload is provided).

Public Properties

Public properties in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.


Boolean Is the tool currently active?

Public Methods

Public methods in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.

Returns:Boolean true when this tool was activated

Activates this tool.

Parameters:configObject configuration for the Ext.Component to be added to the outputTarget. Properties of this configuration will be overridden by the applications outputConfig for the tool instance. Tool plugins that want to reuse their output (after being closed by a window or crumb panel) can also provide an Ext.Component instance here, if it was previously created with addOutput.
Returns:Ext.Component The component added to the outputTarget.

Adds output to the tool’s outputTarget. This method is meant to be called and/or overridden by subclasses.

Parameters:ClsFunction The class to use for creating the button. If not provided, an Ext.Button instance will be created. Ext.menu.Item would be another option.

If this tool is provided an upload property, a button will be created that launches a window with a gxp.LayerUploadPanel.

Returns:Boolean true when this tool was deactivated

Deactivates this tool.


:return {Object} Gets the configured tool state. Overwrite in subclasses to return anything other than a copy of the initialConfig property.


Removes all output created by this tool


Shows the window with a capabilities grid.


Shows the window with a search panel.


Shows the window with a dialog for adding feeds.


Events in addition to those listed for Ext.util.Observable.


Fired when the tool is activated.

Listener arguments: * tool - gxp.plugins.Tool the activated tool


Fired when the tool is deactivated.

Listener arguments: * tool - gxp.plugins.Tool the deactivated tool


Fired when a new source is selected.

Listener arguments: