
class gxp.form.ColorField(config)

A text field that colors its own background based on the input value. The value may be any one of the 16 W3C supported CSS color names (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/). The value can also be an arbitrary RGB hex value prefixed by a ‘#’ (e.g. ‘#FFCC66’).

Config Options

Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.form.TextField.


The default background color if the symbolizer has no fillColor set. Defaults to #ffffff.

Public Properties

Public properties in addition to those listed for Ext.form.TextField.


Object Properties are supported CSS color names. Values are RGB hex strings (prefixed with ‘#’).

Public Methods

Public methods in addition to those listed for Ext.form.TextField.

Returns:String The RGB hex string for the field’s value (prefixed with ‘#’).

As a compliment to the field’s getValue method, this method always returns the RGB hex string representation of the current value in the field (given a named color or a hex string).

Returns:String The RGB hex string for the field’s value (prefixed with ‘#’).

This method always returns the RGB hex string representation of the current value in the field (given a named color or a hex string), except for the case when the value has not been changed.


Sets the value of the field. If the value matches one of the well known colors in cssColors, a human readable value will be displayed instead of the hex code.