Adding a Zoom to Layer Extent toolΒΆ

After adding a layer, it would be useful to be able to zoom to its full extent. This is what the Zoom to Layer Extent does. We will add this tool to the toolbar on top of the layer tree, and to the context menu that appears when we right-click on a layer in the tree.

Navigate to the src/app/app.js in the myviewer directory. Open up this file in a text editor. In the API documentation, find the gxp.plugins.ZoomToLayerExtent tool. This provides the Zoom to Layer Extent functionality.

The ptype for gxp.plugins.ZoomToLayerExtent is gxp_zoomtolayerextent, so we will add an entry to the list of dependencies at the top of app.js:

* @require plugins/ZoomToLayerExtent.js

Now find the tools section in app.js and add the following tool configuration:

    ptype: "gxp_zoomtolayerextent",
    actionTarget: ["tree.tbar", "tree.contextMenu"]

The actionTarget property tells the plugin where to place its buttons. In this case we want it in the top toolbar of the layertree (tree.tbar), and in the tree’s context menu (tree.contextMenu).

Now restart the application as before, and reload the application in your browser. There will now be an extra tool button in the tree’s toolbar.

Select a layer and click on this button to zoom to the layer’s extent.